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#BlogosphereChat – The return of blogging

Every Sunday at 8pm UK time, we host an hour long Twitter chat to discuss a topic related to blogging and social media. We ask four-six questions around the subject throughout the hour and you can use the hashtag #BlogosphereChat on your tweets to take part.

Last week’s Twitter chat was all about the return of blogging in 2020.

Q1: When did you originally start your blog and why?

We’ve seen a lot of people hitting their ten year blog anniversaries lately, so we wanted to know how long you’ve been blogging. It’s great to see the range from 2009 to 2020!

Q2. Did anyone inspire you to start your blog?

We always enjoy learning about why someone started on their blogging journey, and that usually involves being inspired or encouraged by someone else.

Q3. Do you have a niche? How did you go about developing it?

We love reading a multitude of blogs, from fashion and fitness to books and business! It’s great having so many topics to choose from…

Q4. Let’s get techy! Do you have any must-have tools or resources? Where do you recommend getting themes, plugins and hosting?

While content is the most important factor (quality over quantity, content is king!) there’s no denying the impact of having an excellent hosting company and an aesthetically pleasing, beautifully coded theme…

Q5. What is your content strategy for your blog in 2020?

It’s great to see so many people focusing on their blog’s again, and creating more content for us to read. We can’t wait to see what you create this year!

Q6. Why do you think there’s been a revival of blogs this year?

As we mentioned in our latest newsletter, we have heard from many of you about your frustrations with Instagram. This seems to be the reason why lots of people are investing time back into their own blogs…

Continue the conversation in the comments below. We’ll see you over on Twitter next Sunday (26/01/20) for a chat about Podcasting!

We’d love to know what you want to chat about – so if you have an idea for #BlogosphereChat, then please let us know!