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The Blogosphere Network – Summer Gibson

Each month, we select a member of our Blogosphere Network to interview. Meet Summer Gibson…

When did your social media journey start?

Back in 2015 I decided to start filming days out with my friends and partner, mostly so I could keep the memories and I also really enjoyed watching YouTube vloggers. This then led to me starting weekly vlogging around the time of my gap year and throughout uni, inspired by my hometown of Brighton. Then a couple of years ago a friend of mine suggested we try out doing some photo shoots together for our Instagram pages. Micro blogging on Instagram had just started to boom and from there it grew into my main platform!

How would you describe your Instagram aesthetic?

Natural, warm and seasonal. I like to bring out warm colours to create edit my photos, however keeping the editing to a minimum and using my own presets mainly. The seasons influence the look of my feed a lot, as my content is lifestyle based and the topics I write about tend to be focused around what other people can relate to or are going through at that particular time.

Which bloggers/content creators inspire you (and why)?

The Michalaks have always been a huge inspiration for me vlogging and photography wise, their vlogs are almost cinematic yet still have a real and natural feel. In terms of Instagram, I have made lots of friends that inspire me every day with their amazing variety content which I love filling my feed with. 

I’ve also always admired Zoe Sugg and how she creates such a range of lifestyle content whilst building a brand that comes across really authentic.

What advice would you give to people aspiring to make a living through social media?

If you have the opportunity to make money through brand work, be picky with who you want to work with. I turn down a lot of collaborations if I don’t think they fit well with my audience or content. This way when I do work with a brand, my followers trust that it’s something I genuinely would recommend and it feels more natural and authentic. 

The important thing is to make content you enjoy, not just because you think you can make money from it. Building a social media platform is hard work, you can become everything from the video editor to stylist, accountant to content manager and so many more roles, so you shouldn’t forget to value your time and worth when negotiating brand deals. 

I’ve found the Blogosphere Network a great way of showcasing my previous collaboration work to potential brands when pitching, so we both get an idea of whether my style of content would be a good match!

What has been your favourite brand collaboration to date? (and why)?

I think my favourite collaboration has to be with Dior last year. I really enjoyed shooting the campaign with my partner and we were so pleased with the quality of content that we produced. It also was amazing to work with such a prestigious brand and still have so much creative freedom.

Having said that, I also have enjoyed working with many smaller businesses such as ones based in Brighton as I love supporting our city and I am grateful for the opportunities it has given me!