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An overview of the Blogosphere Community Networking Event

In celebration of our growing Blogosphere community, we decided to hold a social networking event. Our aim for the day was to get to know our subscribers on a social level. Not only did we learn about each member but we also learned more of what we can offer in terms of support, socialising and industry knowledge to our community. 

Our attendees made the day a success by opening up about their experiences of using social media and sharing what they have learnt with us and each other. The day entailed icebreakers, speed dating, and avatar style dancing… all in our virtual world.

What happened at the Blogosphere Community Networking Event

Firstly everyone met in the presentation room for an introduction by Blogosphere’s founder Alice, who explained the premise of the day – which was all about networking. Some community members had decorated rooms at the virtual venue to showcase their work and passions, and other members came to explore. 

The members who came to explore were put into three groups, each led by a Blogosphere team member, and were guided around the rooms to meet the members who were showcasing. The showcasing members told guests about their social media journeys; when they started, who they were inspired by, the type of content they create etc. And then there was time for lots of chatting, where everyone talked about their own content creation experiences.

The members showcasing were:

After 45 minutes of relaxed conversations and networking, we called everybody back into the main presentation room. Alice concluded the day with a round up summary of what she’d taken away from the activities and the people she had met, and shared some plans for what the future of community events could look like.

It was great to get to know some members of the community better, and we look forward to meeting more members at our future events.