Nominations for The ITV bCreator™ Awards 2025 are now open!

Luke Hamnett – Entertainment bCreator™ of the Year 2024

Luke Hamnett is the recipient of the Entertainment bCreator™ of the Year 2024 award, sponsored by ITV. With 2 and a half million followers on Instagram and TikTok combined, Luke has built a strong audience who love his relatable comedy skits, reaction videos and point of views.

This year Luke has worked with brands such as Aldi, LELO, Primark and has attended several red carpet events. On his recent trip with Space NK to Vegas, he saw Adele live and discovered she has also watched his videos!

Following the bCreator™ Awards Luke shared a TikTok thanking his audience for voting, and talked about how overwhelmed he was by this year and how awkward he gets when receiving compliments. Luke’s self deprecating manner, grounded nature and closeness to his family is no doubt a contributing factor to his success online.

We wanted to know more about Luke’s process when creating content and here is what he had to say…

What inspires the creative direction for your entertainment content?

What inspires me is every day life, when I hear or see something that resonates with me, I quickly write it down in my notes and when I then look to do a video, I’ll create a script and make it funny.

How do you keep your content engaging and innovative in such a saturated market?

I think it’s important to consider what’s going on with the world and what most people relate too. I would also say, try not to be a one trick pony with content, if something works well.. fantastic! But see if you can reach another audience with another skit or piece of content, also. 

What’s one of your favourite fan interactions you’ve had?

They’re just the best, the people that follow me. They love to give compliments and I’m 100% not used to it. So much so that my whole body dies inside haha. I think it’s lovely to hear that when people have been going through a tough time and then they watch my content and it makes them smile/ laugh, or resonates- that’s what it’s all about for me. 

“…it was so good to attend [the bCreator™ Awards] (alongside being nominated, and winning a category), but to see friends, and new creatives – whether it be a creator or other talented industry people. An all round great awards, thanks for having me!”

Luke Hamnett

How do you balance entertainment with meaningful messages or themes?

I suppose it’s making sure that you get it right and believe me, people will tell you if you didn’t. So I would say share your content with someone before hand to see how it will land. 

Luke’s reaction to winning the Award

Are there any entertainment industry trends you’re eager to bring into your work?

No, not really haha. What I would say is, it’s good to have personality videos within your content, when you are speaking to camera and talking about something, not necessarily always making a skit. Talk to camera about a certain subject matter that’s trending or relevant topic, make it funny and that’s what will resonate and grow the connection between you and your followers. Show a bit of ‘you’. Also can I can just say, this is the most serious I’ve been ever and I hate it hahaha… knock knock….

Luke shared the category with 5 other creators; Hannah Lowther, Jordan Theresa, Kyron Hamilton, Your Boy Moyo and Sam Cornforth.

For information about the bCreator Awards 2025, please click the button below.