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Burst Of Autumn (Blogosphere Member of the Month – October)

Every month, we select one member of the Blogosphere Community to be  celebrated through our blog, social media and newsletter.

Our #MemberOfTheMonth for October 2020 is… Louna from Bursts Of Autumn.

1. When did you first start blogging (and why)?

I first started blogging in 2012 when my best friend passed away. We were both 15 and it was a very dark time. I was being badly bullied, going through my own mental health struggles with Autism, extreme anxiety and depression due to her death. 

I decided to gather a group of friends and create a bucket list so that we could make the most of life and do the things Lucy (my friend) never had the chance to do. I then was made home-schooled due to how bad things were at school, with bullies and then in my own head too. I felt like I was in a huge hole and I didn’t have the strength to pull myself out, no matter how hard I tried. One day I sat and watched TV and came across New Girl and I finally felt heard by Jess Day, the quirky, awesome girl who was the star of the show! It made me happy and switched my perspective.

I got up one day and had this spark inside of me. I decided to create a little project called ‘Project happiness’ on which I loved doing so much. It was before I knew what a blogger was. I had created this little positivity bubble where I smiled more and saw the best in people besides my awful experience with bullies and grief. I wanted to help others who may be feeling the same, so every day I’d post about an experience I’d have and how I could change it for the better. It was raw, real and honest. It was both the dark tunnel and the light at the end of it. I wanted to make a difference and be that helping hand other young people could reach for in their times of need. 

I even continued the blog throughout my GCSE’s which I did at home. Any chance I could get I’d do it! But then life got hard again with the tragedies and grief and I lost self confidence due to being targeted again. 

A few years later I picked it up again and missed it so so soooo much! I now run BurstsOfAutumn and it’s the best part of my life. It is me and I am it! It’s like a best friend. I feel so connected to my blog. It’s my passion, the cuddle I need after a hard day, it’s my light at the end of the tunnel! I realise now that things were meant to be, I’ve always been in love with creating, writing, speaking and helping others and that’s why I found my way back to my blog. I’m so grateful! 

2. What is your favourite type of content to create?

Oooo that’s a tough one! My mind is so big, even when I’m asleep I’m thinking of new ideas! I have to keep a notebook or two or three.. in my drawer in case I have a huge creative burst. 

I’d say my favourite content to create would be a blog post! If that’s the right way to put it. I put everything into my blog posts and enjoy creating images by experimenting with my photography skills and then writing about things that make me feel passionate! It is a release and is amazing to click that publish button after so much hard work into something you love. It’s a great feeling!

3. How have you adapted your content this year (2020)?

I’ve adapted in lots of ways I suppose during this weird year! I’ve definitely overlooked and taken on a new perspective to see what works best and what can be done differently. 

I’ve changed a lot as a person this year, haven’t we all? I’ve become more open minded, started taking my time with posts and have learnt a lot about the behind the scenes too from webinars and various professionals. I have had time to think about who my blog is for and the different needs my audiences have. This year I have been thinking a lot about adapting my content to make it suitable for those with hearing and visual impairments. I still have a long way to go but am loving opening my mind to new things and ways of creating. After all, that’s how things are! So it’s important to keep up.

4. Which creators inspire you?

When I first started blogging, I didn’t really look into others doing it as I was very much anxious about being online due to bullying and cyber bullying and so I wasn’t sure who was out there! Plus comparison would’ve kicked in big time with my mindset so it was all about doing what was best for me and keeping my positivity at a high. But in my return to blogging I loved Zoe Sugg, Katie Snooks, Tanya Burr, Louise Pentland, Poppy Deyes, Sean ElliottOC, Alfie Deyes and Joe Sugg!

Basically the ultimate lot during that time and they inspired me so much! I took on board bits from each of their websites to create my own and really looked up to them as idols. I still do to this day but am finding so many amazing creators each day. I am so inspired by my new creator friends, actually the ones I have met through Blogosphere and that screams community really doesn’t it!?

5. What do enjoy most about the Blogosphere Community?

With the Blogosphere Community, you can really feel a sense of belonging! There are so many people part of the community who inspire me each day and a lot of those I have befriended. I enjoy every aspect of the community but the ways they bring creators together is what I love most.

From Blogosphere Chat to the events, it brings people from all paths together in a non-intimidating space where people can feel content. Being someone with anxiety, my nerves can make me struggle but I have attended webinars and online events and now it’s like second nature thanks to the incredible Blogosphere team and community members. In fact I cannot bloomin wait for the real life events in the future!

I can meet my creator friends and the Blogosphere staff in person. Blogosphere have created so many incredible things and their community is a huge one of those amazing things. I am so grateful to be a part of it and cannot wait to see what they have in store!

Find out how to become a Member Of The Month here.