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The Blogosphere Network – Porcelain Pixie

Each month, we select a member of our Blogosphere Network to interview. Meet Porcelain Pixie…

Photography: Michaela Tornaritis

When did you first start blogging (and why)?

I don’t exactly remember when I started, but I started a blog because I was going to college and they recommended having one as a portfolio. I studied Fashion Design, which is what I am studying at university now. I also started the blog as a way to build up my contacts within the fashion industry. I mainly shared red carpet looks when I started, but eventually I started to share my own outfits.

Has your style always been this colourful, or is it something you developed as you got older?

My style has always been colourful, but I’ve become braver and bolder with it as I have grown up. I now live in Brighton, and there you really feel like anything goes! I’m from a small town, when I dyed my hair pink that was a bit scandalous. But in Brighton there’s loads of colourful people.

What can people expect from your blog and social media?

My content is fashion related, and I love sharing vintage and charity shop clothes. My content isn’t always about where you can buy the exact outfit, it’s more about providing ideas for outfits you could create yourself. I like that you don’t tend to match other people’s outfits when you shop vintage. I like to share more relatable, day-to-day life content on my Instagram Stories.

What do you enjoy the most about creating content?

I love taking photos, I used to really not enjoy that! I also love the opportunities that come from creating content. For example, doing photoshoots and reaching out to brands about working with them. I tend to get friends to help me with taking photos, but more recently I have been reaching out to professional photographers to help me take my photos.

What do you find challenging about creating content?

Balancing it with my everyday life and uni. It’s quite difficult to do all of them at the same time. They do cross over at some points, but in general I find it quite difficult to manage everything. I’m ok with time management, but when I started uni that did make it difficult to fit everything in.

Which social media platform is your favourite (and why)?

I like Instagram the most because it is picture-based. I like that it’s so easy
to upload and there is such a visual element to it. I also love that there’s a community aspect to Instagram, you can find inspiration from other people’s posts and then respond to them in the comments. There’s no interaction on platforms like Pinterest, so I love that Instagram includes that.

Why did you decide to join the Blogosphere Network?

I’ve loved Blogosphere for years, so when I saw the Network being advertised I decided to join. I wanted to build a portfolio of work, and it’s really nice to be able to see it all in one place. When you look at an Instagram feed, you have to click into each post to determine if it’s an advert, so it’s nice to have a place to keep all of my sponsored content. I also really enjoy giving feedback to the brands I’ve worked with. When you work on a campaign you’ll often get an email that says ‘thanks, great!’ but you don’t get an in-depth report on what was good or bad. It’s interesting to see each report and then decide what needs to be improved.

What have been some of the benefits of being a part of the Network?

Being able to interact with the brands I’ve worked with is a great benefit. I also like being able to rate them, because you don’t usually get to offer some constructive criticism after working on a campaign. It’s interesting to read my feedback and also be able to offer feedback in return.

Which brands would you love to work with in the future (and why)?

I would love to work with Disney because I have loved Disney since I was a child. I feel like that’s a dream of mine, because I want to create some magical content. I really want to be more creative with my content. I would love to go to Disneyland and create some content there. I’ve only been to Disneyland once and I loved it, so I want to go back! To document that experience with Disney would be really fun.

What advice would you give to someone at the start of their social media journey?

Don’t compare yourself too much. It’s easy to get caught up in the numbers but if you’re starting off with a lower budget you’re not going to be able to create similar content to people who are able to travel more. There’s only so much you can do within your budget range, but have fun with it and stay true to you!