View the bCreator Awards 2024 Shortlist!

Issue 21 (ebook)

“It was like last year but on crack!” – was probably my favourite review of the #BlogosphereAwards2019. Looking back on it now, I still can’t quite believe that it was our event. From pulling up to One Marylebone (the venue) in the morning of May 23rd, seeing the huge Blogosphere Awards banners outside and crying (overwhelmed/happy tears!) to seeing our 250 attendees scream with excitement as they realised that the one man dancing wasn’t a guest who had indulged in too much Slingsby gin, but was actually part of a TikTok flash mob, to seeing Suzie’s reaction to winning Influencer of the Year (shock, shaking and then seeing off a glass of Most Wanted Sauvignon Blanc), the night was honestly the highlight of my Blogosphere journey so far.

It felt like the culmination of 7 years of work – and a room filled with people who had made it all possible. From former cover stars to bloggers who came to our first events, it really felt like a big family coming together to celebrate. There were lots of new faces too, and everyone was welcomed in. That’s my favourite thing about our community – it’s not cliquey, there’s no hierarchy, it’s about people coming together, supporting one another and having fun. And my what fun we had! 

I feel like I’m about to use up all of my editor’s note on the Awards, and there’s a lot in this magazine to talk about too! Not to worry though – if you want to see all of the pictures from the night, head to the events supplement (we gave it a big spread). You can also hear from all of our award winners in the main magazine; their interviews start on page 45.

Right, what’s in this issue?! Well, our cover interview is with the winner of Influencer of the Year Suzie Bonaldi, of Hello October. Suzie talks about finally being her authentic self online, the struggles she has faced in her personal life and how she wants to be an ally and help improve brands’ use of diverse creators within their campaigns. The interview is on page 32, and the pictures by Claire Luxton are just gorgeous!

On page 7, you will find an interview with Michelle Elman, of Scarred not Scared, who talks about activism, body positivity and the importance of knowing your worth as a creator. We speak to MakeupbyTammi on page 164, who discusses collaborations with brands, press trips and how to grow on Instagram. Our ‘in conversation with…’ features Mr Carrington and Luke Catleugh (p148), and our ‘five minutes with…’ stars Saffron Barker (p194). Features include advice on rebranding when moving across the globe (p22), the importance of switching off from your device (p124), and top tips on choosing your WordPress host (p188). 

Thank you again for all of your continued support of Blogosphere. Our growth wouldn’t have been possible without you all. 


“It was like last year but on crack!” – was probably my favourite review of the #BlogosphereAwards2019. Looking back on it now, I still can’t quite believe that it was our event. From pulling up to One Marylebone (the venue) in the morning of May 23rd, seeing the huge Blogosphere Awards banners outside and crying (overwhelmed/happy tears!) to seeing our 250 attendees scream with excitement as they realised that the one man dancing wasn’t a guest who had indulged in too much Slingsby gin, but was actually part of a TikTok flash mob, to seeing Suzie’s reaction to winning Influencer of the Year (shock, shaking and then seeing off a glass of Most Wanted Sauvignon Blanc), the night was honestly the highlight of my Blogosphere journey so far.

It felt like the culmination of 7 years of work – and a room filled with people who had made it all possible. From former cover stars to bloggers who came to our first events, it really felt like a big family coming together to celebrate. There were lots of new faces too, and everyone was welcomed in. That’s my favourite thing about our community – it’s not cliquey, there’s no hierarchy, it’s about people coming together, supporting one another and having fun. And my what fun we had! 

I feel like I’m about to use up all of my editor’s note on the Awards, and there’s a lot in this magazine to talk about too! Not to worry though – if you want to see all of the pictures from the night, head to the events supplement (we gave it a big spread). You can also hear from all of our award winners in the main magazine; their interviews start on page 45.

Right, what’s in this issue?! Well, our cover interview is with the winner of Influencer of the Year Suzie Bonaldi, of Hello October. Suzie talks about finally being her authentic self online, the struggles she has faced in her personal life and how she wants to be an ally and help improve brands’ use of diverse creators within their campaigns. The interview is on page 32, and the pictures by Claire Luxton are just gorgeous!

On page 7, you will find an interview with Michelle Elman, of Scarred not Scared, who talks about activism, body positivity and the importance of knowing your worth as a creator. We speak to MakeupbyTammi on page 164, who discusses collaborations with brands, press trips and how to grow on Instagram. Our ‘in conversation with…’ features Mr Carrington and Luke Catleugh (p148), and our ‘five minutes with…’ stars Saffron Barker (p194). Features include advice on rebranding when moving across the globe (p22), the importance of switching off from your device (p124), and top tips on choosing your WordPress host (p188). 

Thank you again for all of your continued support of Blogosphere. Our growth wouldn’t have been possible without you all.