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The Blogosphere Magazine Story


Things at Blogosphere HQ are exciting; there’s a buzz in the air. It’s infectious, exhilarating and everyone is brimming with fresh ideas. Things are growing. Things are launching. Things are in the pipeline.

We’re planning stories, events, and new ways in which to deliver more top quality blogging content to you, our readers.

People are cottoning on to us and the future is looking big and bright.

But, it has hit us that before we get carried away – next week is going to be a big one for us – and concentrate on all our new ventures, it’s important to share with you our past.

To tell you about The Blogosphere Magazine Story.

Essie Button Issue 1 - Blogosphere Magazine

(The first issue of Blogosphere Magazine)

Blogosphere – the first print publication written entirely by bloggers for the blogging (and social media) community – was borne out of a feeling. And that feeling was one of being overwhelmed.

Back in 2013, the blogosphere had already become saturated. With millions of blogs out there, navigating it was stressful, time-consuming and utterly overwhelming.

We were tired of having to spend hours trawling through out-of-date, badly written blogs in the hopes of stumbling across a good one. And we were fed up of being fed lists of ‘top bloggers’ by marketing agencies and mainstream press that had been collated years ago and not updated. There, it seemed, just to clog up the top search engine results…

contents page issue 1

(The Contents page of Issue One of Blogosphere Magazine)

We wanted a fresh take – to hear what bloggers (over all spheres) themselves thought, to find out who they followed and why they followed them. Who better to tell you about what’s going on in the blogosphere than actual members of the blogging community?

food cover

And we wanted to have all that information in one place, to be read in one’s own time, that could be picked up and put down as one pleased. Without having to have 40 odd tabs open on your computer screen…

food ed page

We wanted to create a curated snapshot of some of the best bits of the blogging world. To give recognition to great bloggers – no matter what their size – who were worth reading, and to show you – through examples of their work – why.


We contacted some bloggers. They backed the idea. We contacted Estée Lalonde, who agreed to be on the cover, and a few months later Blogosphere launched – to a reception that we could never have imagined. And one that we are still so grateful for! (We have some of the comments on our review page).


So there you have it! The Blogosphere Story. Welcome to the fold…