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The Final Cut: Blogosphere Issue 7 Launch

On November 11th, bloggers from around the country ventured to Hoxton, London to celebrate the launch of issue 7 of Blogosphere Magazine, which stars Samantha Maria.

Now that our final edit of the night has arrived (see above), we’ve decided to share some of the photographs and memories of the party. We hope you enjoy! A big thanks to Bassline Productions for coordinating the event.

Blogosphere bespoke Goody Bags
Blogosphere bespoke Goody Bags
Inside the venue - Motel
Inside the venue – Motel
Samantha Maria being interviewed by Deadly Films
Samantha Maria being interviewed by Deadly Films

Editor’s speech

Good evening everyone! Ladies, Gentlemen, Press & most importantly – Bloggers.

I’m Alice Audley, and it’s my absolute pleasure to oversee the editing of Blogosphere Magazine – the first print publication written entirely by bloggers for the blogging and social media community.

I just wanted to say a huge thank you to everyone for coming this evening to celebrate the launch of Issue 7, starring the stunning Samantha Maria.

It is so nice to see the Blogosphere family come together and to be able to put faces to the many, many names, who have made this magazine possible. To our editors, contributors, cover stars, designers, photographers and buyers.

Blogosphere Magazine started just two years ago, and never in our wildest dreams did we imagine it would take off in the way it has.

We started the magazine quite simply because we were overwhelmed with the blogosphere. Utterly saturated, we were fed up with having to trawl through out-of-date badly written blogs, in the hopes of stumbling across good ones. Sure, there were lists of blogs out there – but these were out-of-date, too – and more importantly the majority weren’t written by bloggers.

Which really seemed quite odd. For who better to tell you what’s going on in the blogging community than bloggers themselves? So that’s what we created – a place where bloggers could tell you not only which other bloggers they read, but why they read them and why you should, too.

A magazine that’s not only aesthetically pleasing – thick, high-quality paper worthy of your words – but also useful.

The blogosphere is filled with so many voices, and by pulling the best of them together, big and small, – and putting them in one tangible product, that can sit in the home: on your coffee table, or on the shelf, and be enjoyed time-and-time again, those voices become very loud and very powerful indeed.

Blogosphere is testament to the incredible talent and diversity within the blogging community. To the voices, tales, images and prose which deserve to be inked down on paper – to be held, to be read and to be cherished.

We bloggers are incredibly talented – and are cultivating a new world – blogosphere magazine is here to document the journey.

So I’d like to raise a toast to all of you who have made this magazine possible -and continue to spread the word.

Please raise your glasses and toast yourselves and your peers – to the creators of the 21st century – to BLOGGERS!

Posters of all the Blogosphere covers
Posters of all the Blogosphere covers
"The more bloggers that know about it the better" - Samantha Maria
“The more bloggers that know about it the better” – Samantha Maria

Gif clip

Blogosphere_Magazine (1)

Photo booth fun

















Samantha’s vlog of the night

Blog posts about the event

Samantha Maria

The Prosecco diaries

Spilling the beans

1 Comment

Love it love it love it! Balance IS bullshit. I always suspected this to be true–and not just because of my interesting adventures with bipolar di#e0dor&s823r;! But that's a story for another day. Thanks, Ian. You're a beautiful authentic rebel hero 🙂