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Interview with Twins Closet 9 (issue 12)

Sisters Sasha and Siobhan Asiedu open up about the difficulties of sharing a blog, expressing individuality and their future plans…

Photography: Kyle Galvin / Beauty: Kate Pope

Why did you decide to set up a blog together?

Sasha: We both planned our outfits for special events together when we were growing up and we would always co- ordinate with each other. We both talk about fashion a lot, we watch YouTube videos and TV programmes about fashion all day and night because it is our passion. So it just made sense for us to start a blog. We thought, ‘Why don’t we just do a blog, show off our fashion sense and express what we love doing and are already talking about constantly?’

Why do you think your style content is so popular?

Siobhan: I feel that it’s because we are consistent with putting posts out there and because we have this element of being creative. It’s so open, it’s not for a magazine, it’s our thing and we’re in control of it. We try to push boundaries, so with every photoshoot there is always a story behind it. It allows us to be really creative. We want anyone who views our blog to think ‘wow, this is amazing, it’s taken me on a journey’. I think that’s why we are popular – the consistency and the different looks that we are doing.

Do you find posing together less daunting than doing it alone?

Siobhan: Yes, we find it easier because doing it together makes it so much more fun than doing it alone! We find that it becomes more like a job if you’re on your own and we don’t want to lose our passion for blogging. There’s lots of behind the scenes nonsense that we get up to.

Sasha: I agree, it is easier together and we are so goofy behind-the-scenes on photoshoots!

Siobhan: We will make fun of each other, saying ‘ooh, you did it wrong!’ – but that’s what makes it enjoyable. We motivate each other on the shoots, we’ll say ‘you’ve got it!’ and high five and stuff.

What are the benefits to working together on your blog and social media?

Sasha: We feel like there are more hands on deck. For somebody to do
a blog post they have to be super creative. Sometimes when I talk to Siobhan I might be thinking of one static point, but she will say to me ‘have you thought about this other aspect?’ and it helps me to really build on the idea and then it’s easier to be creative. When it comes to responding to emails or collaborations, it’s easier if she’s doing that so I can be editing the content, giving us more opportunities to do things in less time.

How do you add aspects of individuality to your posts?

Siobhan: Our solo pictures say a lot about each of our personalities. Tuesdays and Thursdays are solo days where we do things alone, so that allows us to express who we are. We are trying to push the fact that yes, we are twins, but we do also have that individuality.

Sasha: I do the poetry in our blog posts. I’ve written poetry for years and it’s a passion of mine that I want to develop. So I’ve just started writing poems and putting them on the blog posts to summarise the feel of our shoots. Now people say to me that they really like my poetry. I love that the blog can show this other aspect of my character.

Is managing a blog and social media difficult as a duo?

Sasha: Sometimes. For instance, when we have to respond to things and we’re not together it can be hard to agree
on something or organise something. My sister might say ‘I can’t do that day’ when I can, so it becomes difficult in that respect.

Do you ever think about having your own individual accounts?

Siobhan: We think at this stage no, and the only reason we would say no is because right now we’re trying to work on our brand and I think if we tried to introduce separate accounts, it would be really confusing. We are really similar, but we do also have different tastes, so separate accounts would be something to explore later on.

Your fashion and beauty posts are directly tied, why did you decide to do this?

Sasha: The reason we linked it together is because when somebody is going out they do their makeup, they do their clothes, they do their hair – the whole thing is linked together. And we want to cover it all.

What are your plans for the future?

Siobhan: I think now we’ve got to the stage where we’re starting to collaborate with a lot of up and coming brands, which is really exciting for us. One of our big goals is to maybe do a Twins Closet 9 clothing range or a styling gig with a brand. That’s one of our aims we’re pushing to work towards.

We’re also hopefully going to do videos this year – ones where we are sitting down on a couch chatting about why we chose particular outfits and what the inspiration behind each look was.

Sasha: And DIY, that’s one of my passions! I do lots of DIY and I’ve made denim chokers before. So we thought why not show that as another aspect in our videos?

Which twins do you follow on social media?

Siobhan: The Badura Twins (@thebaduratwins) are really amazing and they are identical too. They have separate accounts but the joint one is where they post a lot of content. Their career path is really similar to where we would like to end up.